One of the very important lessons that I have learned in my life is to never take any one or any thing for granted. One such thing is the platform named "Blogger". Here I can write about my concerns and my thoughts. Here I also get to read a lot of great posts that are inspirational, educational and fun. Here I have met people who I have developed an attachment with. I have gotten used to reading posts by certain people on a regular basis and if for some reason I do not see one I worry. All of us are getting older, some of us faster than others. Some of us are being pulled down by worries of different kinds and in spite of being young, are feeling the stress life can bring. I myself have not been able to write due to my own health concerns and health concerns of my loved ones. However I do read a lot of postings. I may not have left any comments but I do thank everyone who writes. I appreciate all postings as I know that I cannot get reading material that is written from the heart anywhere else besides here. So thank you.