Friday, December 21, 2012

One Week Later

Moments of Silence, church bells, and thousands of sympathy cards filling up the post offices are just a few things that people are able to do for the folks in Newtown, Connecticut.  How do we make them feel better?They lost a part of themselves. We can only try. President Obama is trying his best to make sure that something like this does not happen again. No one can make sure but the possibilities can be greatly reduced.  Also it is not just up to him. We all have to be understanding and compromising.  The lives of our kids and grand kids can depend on how we think as adults. 
People all around the world are affected by this tragedy.  Here in the tri-state area there are friends of friends of people who lost their loved ones and who actually died. We can send sympathy cards for people who lost their loved ones, but there are people whose children saw other children die, there are people who work a couple of hours away and had to drive in agony to the school and now are left with post traumatic stress disorder. They will be needing counseling or will be leaving their jobs even. This shooting has set off a chain reaction of painful thoughts. 
I had almost lost hope in humanity. However, within the last week, I heard a lot of good things about a lot of people who are helping people heal.  UConn has started a scholarship for the kids of Sandy Hook elementary school. People can send their donations to help the siblings of the children who lost their lives. So I see a glimmer of hope here. 
I have learned a lot in my life and from people who blog. I have learned to be strong. The lady who writes"Step Parent's Cove" made me realize that no matter how many people try to hurt us, we can be strong and hang on to our Faith in goodness and there will be glimmer of hope.


Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my blog

Chatty Crone said...

It seems I am still silent - it is such a sad thing. I think about those poor babies and the heroes.

Shelly said...

Out of our brokeness and grief, it is my prayer we all find a way to focus on the good, and in so doing, release more good into this world.

Take care, my friend~

Granny Annie said...

It all remains out of reach of our wildest imaginings.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Munir - well expressed .. we won't understand, but we can all do our bit for society in general and send our prayers and thoughts to those in Sandy Hook - I'm sure the Angels are guarding them ...

With thoughts - Hilary

DWei said...


Austan said...

So long as there is love, there's hope. We can't take away the pain and loss but we can love more, we can't change the past but we can build a better future. Beautiful, Munir.

yaya said...

This whole ordeal was so hard to comprehend...who, why, how..all the questions still not answered. But there are good people in this world..we can be a good person in this at a time we can make a difference. Be kind, help others more often than we help ourselves, listen, be a hero to a child, many things we can do. I heard so many good stories from friends this week of help that was offered to them, that it made me realize that we do live in a good world...we need to listen to the good and never give up hope.

klahanie said...

Hi Munir,

Poignant, powerful words of extreme emotions that reach out to the glimmer of hope that America, the world so badly needs.

The ideals of a better, understanding, more caring world, have to be realised. A legacy for our children.

In hope and a peaceful, reflective Christmas, you way,


Rick Watson said...

Merry Christmas. All the best to your and your family.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Here in Utah they launched 27 hot air balloons in honor of one of the girls killed. Is it bad of me to think that other boys and girls who are killed in this country don't get a 27 hot air balloon salute? Don't get me wrong...the tragedy in Connecticut is horrific. I just want everyone to be treated the same. And I want all kids who died to be given the same kind of respect nationwide.

Unknown said...

Hi Munir,
This effect of this tragedy was felt all over the world including in my country Indonesia. Let's pray to God that it would not happen again.