Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Prayer

                                                           Harvest Spice Bouquet™          

  I feel kind of funny writing a post about Thanksgiving Prayers while it is snowing outside the window like it is January already. It has snowed in November quite a few times in the past, but for some reason I feel that we have been robbed off of Autumn. It could be because the mall managers have decided to let Santa Claus come in the week after Halloween or it could be because we have started seeing Holiday ads on the television . Actually a lot of decor items from October colors have been marked down to clearance prices. So it is not that expensive to set the table for Thanksgiving. I guess I do not have any reason for complaining about time rushing us and making us edgy. I simply wish that we start being a little less fussy about holidays anyway. I remember going all out and shopping until the last minute to make sure that I had every single detail taken care of. I feel that I should not  have to do that any more. My husband thinks that if I feel this way I should be the one to talk and let my family members (and friends) know that I am going to resort to just one entree( or two)  and one desert and maybe salad and other vegetables. Sure, people might snicker and gossip but if we care about each other it is best to make it simple for everyone. This is one of my prayers. Simplicity and care. Why wait until we become frail. This way the transition into senior life will be a little easy.

 I am also praying that my family, my friends, my blogger friends and my neighbors stay happy and healthy. I am thankful that I get to read wonderful blog posts while I am hardly writing. I may not have commented a lot but I do enjoy the funnies and appreciate fine writing. I am thankful that people read my posts and I do welcome and thank new readers and new writers.  

I am also praying that everyone else around the world get to improve their lives  and have hope and love. Amen. 


TexWisGirl said...

i do hope that you and yours have a wonderful thanksgiving with plenty of down-time and just enjoyment from that. i love simple. :)

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Love the prayer!
Wishing you a lovely holiday!

Geo. said...

Hope for improved lives --prayers devoutly to be wished. For the first time in 45 years, because our children live so far, my wife and I will be dining tomorrow with friends at a restaurant. I'm actually looking forward to it! I hope your prayer for a better, kinder world is answered --I will do the same.

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm one of those bloggers that you enjoy!! "I am also praying that everyone else around the world get to improve their lives and have hope and love. Amen." I AGREE!!

Jim and Sandie said...

Growing up in Montana, snow at Thanksgiving was the norm for us. But I hate the fact that Christmas is now over taking Halloween even. We all definitely need to slow down and simplify. We need to learn to enjoy each moment. My prayer for you is peace and serenity. Happy Thanksgiving.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Munir - I'm sure you'll have a lovely Thanksgiving and the family will share your thoughts ... when my mother and I worked on Christmas Day - I suggested we have a light supper - usually something special ... salad pieces, smoked salmon and champagne - but we'd slogged all day and had had some turkey and trimmings off the carcass ... we really were happy with less.

So I hope you can do less - get others to help .. let them bring some of the dishes .. if not this year - then next ...

Happy Thanksgiving though, and let's hope the year ahead can be peaceful ... enjoy tomorrow: snow or not! Hilary

Launna said...

Munir I am on a break from blogging so I can study. I'm on the bus and was cleaning up my Bloglovin and saw you posted... I wasn't missing yours ♡

I agree we need to simplify... I am only buying for Valentina and not a lot plus my grandson Jackson and a secret Santa person at work.

Plus I'm going to my sisters so I just have to cook one thing....

I'm praying everyone gets the true meaning and simplifies so they can enjoy it too.

Have a great Thanksgiving ♡

Susie Swanson said...

I agree with you about Autumn. I call it the little season stuck in between that doesn't stay very long.
Summer takes a big part away and winter gets the rest of it. But we do have so many things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving sweet friend. xo

Chatty Crone said...

I know how hard it is to read and comment. This was a lovely prayer of Thanksgiving. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving girl! sandie

Julia said...

Thanks so much for your comment Munir, Please come visit again. I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I'm with you on simplifying the Holiday preparations. I simply don't have much time to spend shopping but decorating cheers me up when it's cold outside.

I'm having a hard time finding time to post on my blog. I was interrupted several time by power outage and no internet during this latest big snowstorm.


Unknown said...

I love that you're appreciative of writing friends and the community. If you decide not to make so many food courses, I hope your relatives will be respectful. Or they could bring a dish to the celebration -- sort of like a pot luck dinner -- and help you out. :)

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Munir,
There are certain times in our lives where WE must decide if we follow the hordes of mass consumption or NOT!
Since we have done consulting work all over the world and thus have seen both sides of the coin, I do HATE the over-commercialized period from summer vacation on through Valentine's Day.
It is disgusting what they try to brainwash people into doing! All the different deco for the home. What deco? I never buy anything seasonal but instead treasure and maintain what I have. One way they all want to be environment friendly but yet, they contribute to the mountains of 'trash' that is being produced AND sold annually... When will this ever stop?
We sure don't have to put up anything seasonal and Christmas we only celebrate in our hearts, we have never given each other gifts because society demands us to buy 'GIFTS'...
How much trash is being collected the day after Christmas?! It is a shame to the 1st world...
Indeed, in our hearts we only can pray that people around the world will be able to improve their lives and that very much is true for the 1st world!
LOVE and quality of life cannot be bought by listening or acting upon commercials.
Sending you hugs and hope you stay well.

Unknown said...

planning now for being "frail" smart. I hope your Thanksgiving was just that, Thankful. Canada celebrated in October. My prayer was answered, and my Husband and Son did all the work--I'd just had surgery. I'll be on deck for Christmas though! Many blessings as the holidays get into full swing. Keep calm and enjoy.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love your prayer for more simplicity during the holidays. I guess the older we get the simpler we want things.

I can't stand how they rush Autumn. And yes it gets robbed every year - this perfectly lovely time of year. Sad.

adhi das said...

Best prayers and wishes to you..Stay happy and healthy!! Smiles:))

DMS said...

There is so much to be said for simplicity. Sometimes people get too wrapped up in the gifts and the next holiday. We can all benefit from stopping and appreciating what we have. :)

Anonymous said...

Your Thanksgiving Prayer is lovely, Munir. Simplicity and care are so important, as are staying healthy and happy. There are so many wonderful blogs to enjoy, all different kinds. One of the things I love is the variety and the people behind them. Getting to know people through their blogs is very satisfying, and I think we've all made a few truly remarkable friends too. Thank you for this post and every wish for a safe and happy holiday season to you and yours too.

Kittie Howard said...

My apologies for being a bit late getting around. Hate to admit it, but I'm slowing down a bit! I'm sure your Thanksgiving was lovely, with lots of smiles to remember. I know what you mean about the holidays being rushed (and rushing ourselves), but, you're right, simplicity is best. Your prayer for people everywhere was beautiful.

VeggieMummy said...

Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - it's always lovely to 'meet' someone new. Your prayer is lovely and I hope you had the Thanksgiving you wished for. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas. x

Inger said...

Sorry it took me so long to visit you. This is such a lovely post and I am so glad I came by. I wish all the best for you and your family over this holiday season.

Bethany Carson said...

It does seem that time has gone by quickly this year. Thanksgiving was so cold. We listened to a recording we made on Thanksgiving 2012 when it was in the 60s (Fahrenheit)--certainly made us miss warmer weather. Simplicity does have a beauty all its own.

Lux G. said...

A grateful heart is a beautiful heart. :) You've got so many things to be thankful for. You are so blessed!

Happy holidays to you and your family.