Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Image result for goa in india photos

Some people ask me where in India I am from. I tell them that I am from Hyderabad, which used to be a kingdom and the king was very generous. Some one asked me what happened to that king I told them that when India became a Democracy a lot of kings gave up their kingdom. A lot of people suffered as there was opposition as well. However Democracy prevailed. 
A young man told me that he wants to visit Goa in India to see his cousin, who grew up in India as his uncle and aunt did not want to leave India because of India's natural beauty. He asked me if I miss India. I told him that as much as I miss India I am thankful for my health and for the fact that I am working and am active. Then one of the associates said that she is thankful because she does not have to shop for center pieces any more as she has several decorative things from years of having parties. 
A customer said that she is thankful because there are craft stores and she can make her own center pieces. Her daughter said that she is thankful that her mom bought some can food for the food pantry. I asked her how old she is, she said that she was nine and when she gets to be a teenager she will work for a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving day so the homeless of New York can have good food too. Next day while driving to work, I saw the homeless man I always see, but this time I was a little less disheartened. 

Happy ThanksgivingHarvest Time Centerpiece Product Details


Launna said...

Happy Thanksgiving Munir... as much as I want to leave Nova Scotia, do know that I would miss it a great deal. I would keep a part of it in my soul always♡

joeh said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

TexWisGirl said...

we have much to be grateful for here. i hope everyone feels relief and community this season.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Munir - Happy Thanksgiving ... we are lucky and we can embrace culture where we are living, while understanding where other country's history has taken them ... I'm just grateful for my life and being positive and happy .. with thoughts to all at their Thanksgivings - cheers Hilary

Janie Junebug said...

What a lovely post. I have so many reasons to be grateful.


Susie said...

Munir, I liked this post. It's sad about all the homeless. So many things make one homeless...some by choice, some too into to drugs/drinking, some mentally ill. ...and the list goes on. We do have much to be thankful for here in the U. S. I hope your thanksgiving day is truly blessed with friends, family and love. Bless you, xoxo,Susie

Sherry Ellis said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! We do have a lot of reasons to be thankful.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family, Munir!!

Jan said...

I hope you and your family have a joyful Thanksgiving!

Geo. said...

Kind Munir, thank you for this lovely and life-affirming post. Happy holidays to you.

Jim and Sandie said...

Happy Thanksgiving Munir. We have so much to be thankful for and yet we don't always take the time to count our blessings. Thank you for such a wonderful reminder.

My Shasta Home said...

Happy Thanksgiving Munir.

^.^ said...

Happy Thanks Giving Day for You, M ... and thank you for stopping at my blog ... Here in Canada we already had Thanks Giving ... I do not celebrate it though, as my daughter Jenny Rose died exactly then 29 years ago ... but that's okay ... another thing we do not eat turkey in my culture, as it is a sacred animal to us ... smiles ... ... Love,cat.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Those are great thankfuls.

yaya said...

Happy Thanksgiving Munir! No matter where we may live or have lived it's great to have a day set aside to remember how blessed we are. I'm grateful for wonderful blog buddies who always share uplifting posts like this! I'm also grateful for that little girl who wants to help this world be better...sometimes you only hear of all the bad stuff from the younger generation and this gives me hope in our future! Have a great weekend!

Shammickite said...

I hope your Thanksgiving day was enjoyable, and my best wishes for all the days to come. I am thankful for my life here in Canada,,, the best country in the world!

Celestina Marie said...

Beautiful post of Thanksgiving and the beauty in giving to others. We have much to be thankful for and more blessings then we can count.
Have a great week.

adhi das said...

thanks for sharing this information!! Happy Thanksgiving to you! GOD BLESS U:))

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Now it's my pleasure to return the favor. :)

I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were all kinder to each other, and more aware of our blessings EVERY day...?

It was nice to meet you. I hope you have a super weekend.

Granny Annie said...

It is good every year to stand in place and give thanks for what we are and where we are and for those less fortunate. Nice post Munir.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading your post. I guess every person has their own list of top things they're thankful for. I'm thankful for my health, and that I have a home and food.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Thanks for sharing with us a little bit about where you are from.

Misha Gerrick said...

Such a lovely story.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :-)

Maggie May said...

Although we don't have Thanksgiving in Britain, we can all find something to be thankful for.
You told a lovely story about India.
Maggie x

Intense Guy said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I've a friend from Goa. He lives in the USA and is a successful software engineer for a telecom. He speaks of how beautiful it is "back home" but since he has become a naturalized US citizen, he has learned to call the USA home.

Romance Reader said...

What a lovely post. I have so many reasons to be grateful.