Sunday, January 1, 2017


Happy New Year everyone!

2016 is over and when I look at the blogger site I feel ashamed that I have not written much. The fact is that I write when I see an issue. Another fact is that I was so busy that I did not stop to pay attention to an issue when I saw one. My husband tells me that I am only one person and I cannot take care of the problems of the world. One of my work friends told me that a day will come when us older folks will become a problem to our families. Well, I will try not to become a problem and be as productive as possible. That is one reason I keep working and commuting to work. Now that I have given the reasons, I hope that I can be forgiven for not writing. 

I am thankful to people who blog and give us so many good articles to read. 

I wish everyone good health and happiness.
New Year Banners


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

So happy to hear from you. I really did miss you

I understand how you feel, about not being able to solve the worlds problems. I have a ulcer to prove, that we can't. Other than that, all we can do is enjoy life and be a blessing to others.

Anonymous said...

I've missed your posts, Munir--happy new year to you & yours!!

Jim and Sandie said...

Happy New Year. So good to hear from you. I often can't solve my own problems so I know I can't take on the worlds. I think making a difference in your piece of the world is what is important. Have a fantastic 2017.

Jim and Sandie said...

Happy New Year. So good to hear from you. I often can't solve my own problems so I know I can't take on the worlds. I think making a difference in your piece of the world is what is important. Have a fantastic 2017.

Geo. said...

Happy new year, Munir!

Launna said...

Happy New Year Munir, I have thought about you over the last little while, wondering how you are... there is a time and season for everything, you'll write when you have the desire and time... I hope you have a wonderful new year with your family and that you have lots of love and joy xox

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Munir - good to see you ... and yes blogging is a therapeutic occupation with wonderful friends around. Take care - the most important thing is you and making sure you and the family are all well and not wasting time on things we can't control ... not always easy - from someone who needs to do the same ... cheers and Happy New Year and 2017 .. Hilary

Granny Annie said...

I always smile when I see you have posted something. Happy New Yer to you. My children always care about my health but I think it is mostly because they don't want to have to take me in some day. LOL

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

We may only have control over what we do and the things around us but that is what it is like for all of us, all we can do is be the best us we are able to do and not give into temptation and run people down with our cars who piss us off.

DMS said...

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2017. Don't worry if you didn't blog/write as much as you wanted to last year. You can always try to write more in 2017 and sometimes there are lots of things in our lives demanding our attention. :) Always nice to hear from you when you are sharing your thoughts.


yaya said...

Happy New Year to you Munir! Blogging is something that is different for everyone. I enjoy your posts and look forward to your wisdom in the coming year...don't worry about how much you post, just go with your heart and head and priorities and it will be great! Good health and happiness to you and your family!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Your husband is can only do what you can do. Don't worry so much! You have a wonderful heart and you won a book on my blog could you email me your address and full name? sharonkmayhew at gmail dot com

Anita said...

You are a very caring person. Your husband is probably right! :) However, we are all born into the world with purpose and you probably are living yours.

Happy New Year to you and your family, too!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Munir,
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Never feel ashamed.
I myself have also blogged a lot less lately as I simply did not have the time for it.
Singing in a choir and performing with also dance steps takes a lot of practice and I also enjoy it. Both of us have been regularly biking for staying in shape and for good health.
Both of our blood work was excellent in October/November so that indicates that our lifestyle is good. That is more important than blogging ever so often.
So much has happened and indeed we cannot fight the entire world but we must try to survive ourselves.
After Christmas I had the flu and a bronchitis but now I'm fine again. Pieter had a mild flu, ahead of me but he kind of escaped...
Sending you hugs,

klahanie said...

Dear Munir,

First of all, I wish to humbly apologise for the length of time it took me to get to your blog. Already ten days into the new year.

My kind friend, you write when it feels right. I understand that and of course, you need never feel pressurised to post a blog.

You are a thoroughly decent lady and a positive inspiration.

Many blessings to you and your loved ones in 2017.


Jeanie0 said...

I was with my ex for 3 years n 6mthns n he cheated on me so we split, before he left me, we were planing to get married in the future, I loved him so much but I became tired of him lying to me every time he opens his mouth, I went into search for help in the internet, I tried many different spells from almost every place locally as well as online and none of them worked, I almost gave up hope because I thought i will never see my lover again forever, one day i saw some testimony about this powerful spell caster Dr. Todd i emailed him and i asked him to help me bring back my lover and he did A Lover Spell for me And after some days, my lover returned back to me I'd like to say that i got a positive result from (manifest spell ever since i used his love spell, my lover have learned to appreciate me more and more day by day, and he doesn't take me for granted.