Tuesday, June 21, 2011


"BOY OH BOY"  These words were written on one of the gift bags  that I gave the new baby with cute outfits in it.  I was in a hurry as the baby came a week earlier than expected, but boy is he cute. Everyone says that he looks like my husband (his grandpa) and my husband does not stop grinning at the comment that "he is cute and looks like his grandpa." The important thing is that he is normal and healthy. I am dying to show his pictures to everyone but our kids have a rule for not putting baby pictures on the internet. Oh well.
So, spending a week with a six year old and a two year old is out of this world but spending a week with a newborn is heavenly. It is also so charming to see my daughter-in-law wanting to do everything herself not only for the new baby but for her other two little ones and then checking on my son and me to see if we were all right. I then had to keep reminding her that she is the one who needs rest.
Times are changing. People are multi-tasking and that includes new parents. Families are living hundreds of miles apart. I came back home with a heavy heart.  My son calls me and reassures me that everything is OK and Philadelphia is not far from New York. As of now I just close my eyes and be with the baby.


Drora's minimundo said...


Belle said...

Oh, what a lovely post. I'm so happy for you, but sad you don't live closer. Congratulations!

Vanilla Mama said...

Awww - Congratulations!!! How sweet.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Wonderful news and I'm happy for you :)

Tracy said...

Awwww Congratulations Grandma and I bet he is a cutie!

VR Barkowski said...

Congratulations, Munir! Such happy news. Love it! :o)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Munir .. that's wonderful news and I know how proud you are of them all .. including Grandpa!!

Congratulations to the newborn, and to his parents and the other two ..

Let alone you two with a 3rd grandchild .. such fun .. lovely - enjoy the memories .. Hilary

Monalisa said...

Oh Congratulations Munir! This post came a real surprise!

Being a mother/father is great delight, especially when its the first time. But even a more delightful is when you get to be a grandparent. I always love that special love grandparents have for grandchildren. It is always celebrated.

Congratulations again !