Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Best Wishes and Thanks

  I would like to thank everyone who is participating in the A to Z Challenge.  I am hoping that I will be able to read a good number of blog posts this time, since I am not taking part. These blog posts from the challenge have been very informative and entertaining while being inspirational as well. I wish everyone all the best.  

Also, special thanks to Arlee Bird for starting this challenge. 


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Munir - we enjoy being read even if you're not able to comment - take it as it comes ..

Enjoy the posts .. and I'm sorry you're not joining us - but understand .. all the very best - Hilary

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your support in the Challenge this year, Munir. It's a pleasure having you as one of our wonderful cheerleaders!

MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
Writing Tips
Effectively Human
Lots of Crochet Stitches

loverofwords said...

I second MJs comment. Enjoy reading the blogs at your convenience and without the pressure :)

Beth said...

I am always so pleased when someone takes the time to read my blog and then comment on it. Thank you Munir!

TexWisGirl said...

although i'm not in the a-to-z challenge, i appreciate your visits as you have time. :)

Launna said...

Munir... can I tell you how sweet you are to me... I wish tons of guys wanted to be with me... heck I would take one. Thank you, I really appreciate you saying it :)

shelly said...

That is very nice of you.

Hugs and chocolate!

DMS said...

I am wishing all the A-Zers the best of luck! I so enjoy reading the posts, though I am not able to participate at this time! :)

Granny Annie said...

Good luck to those who decide to participate. I don't see how anyone is willing to take on the challenge. The rules and regulations are overwhelming!!! Yikes.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I do enjoy reading the A - Z posts. One of these years I may finally participate :)

Inger said...

Thanks for stopping by, Munir. I hope you will enjoy reading lots of adventures by your blogger friends.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I enjoy the posts as well.

Ava Quinn said...

Thanks for the well wishes! Maybe you'll be participating next year? :)

klahanie said...

Hi Munir,

Such thoughtful wishes, my dear human friend. Pawsonally, I hope this is the last ever A to Z. It causes too much stress. I get a number of emails from folks who have struggled with it.

Still, all the best to them :)

Penny, the pawsitive host of the Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Munir,
Thank you for your visit and comment and now finally I have internet working properly. Had such a hard time to track down the server for obtaining their phone number. It worked out and I'm so glad that is behind me. Changing servers on March 12 was one thing but the technician who connected us did not be of much help.
Hugs to you and hope you are enjoying spring!

Teresa Cypher said...

Munir, you're such a good person! Your sense of community is outstanding. You're not taking part, yet you're visiting and supporting the challenge. You deserve a big hug! Thanks for visiting my blog this evening. :-)

Unknown said...

Good luck to you! I feel like I'm already drowning in blog comments and trying to contact new peeps from the main linky list. There are so MANY this year. :O
(following you!)

Bossy Betty said...

It's always fun to read those A-Z posts!

Empty Nest Insider said...

I will also be tuning in to A to Z from time to time. It's hard not to get into the spirit, even if we're cheering from the sidelines!


Kate OMara said...

Thanks for coming by my blog. Maybe next year for you dear one.

Life happens said...

I am not participating either. :) I did finally watch Frozen and I loved it. As for your comment on my post.
It's hard to explain. We know, as wives what we are signing on for. It is nec to keep everyone safe and our freedoms the way they are. It doesn't mean it is always fun though. :)

Ann said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog Munir. Delighted you hadn't forgotten me in my absence.
Enjoy the rest of the Challenge.

Rick Watson said...

I really need to do one of these challenges. I think it would be fun.

loverofwords said...

Hi Munir: Just rest and enjoy what you can. You don't have to do this every year, but thanks for visiting my blog.

loverofwords said...

Hi Munir: Just rest and enjoy what you can. You don't have to do this every year, but thanks for visiting my blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for dropping by my blog! :)

HistorySleuth said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog. :)
History Sleuth - A to Z Challenge.

Life happens said...

I'm back lady! Finally got a new computer! Yay!

Teresa Cypher said...

Popping in to say hello, Munir, and thanks for visiting again! :-)

Joanne said...

thanks for visiting my blog. Glad you are enjoying the a to z challenge as a reader

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Hey, poke in and let us know how you're doing. Haven't heard from you in awhile.

Hope all is well and Happy Mothers Day