Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A to Z challenge

A to Z and my Mind

C is for Communication 

My husband and I were taking a walk in K-Mart yesterday (as it was kind of cold to walk outside) and I spotted the Super Hero Squad DS game. I was really tempted to get it for our grandson, but my husband wanted to make sure that he does not have it already. I called our daughter and asked her to text her brother and ask if they had that game. I then realized how much behind I am. I have a cell phone, but I hardly use it. Our kids want to update it for me, but I am sure I will not use most of the features. Now that times are changing and methods of our communication are changing I am worried about what will happen to us if one day we end up reversing time and go back to even 1980. I felt that I was kind of handicapped when we lost telephone service last month. It did feel like we were living in ancient times.

Everyone says that communicating through social networking is great. I also know that people who hardly knew each other in high school are friends on social networks and have put their past differences behind. I think that it is a step closer to our dreams of peace and friendship on our planet.

When it comes to peace, I always remember my Mom's instructions of not extending and elaborating a conversation while arguing or in a bad mood. She always told us to save the details for when we would calm down. I remember being a hard head whenever I was yelled at. To this day I cannot deal with being yelled at any point in my life. I am guilty of yelling at my kids once in a while, but I am sorry.

I urge today's parents to tell their kids to never be shy about coming to them when other kids make fun of them and that talking with parents does not make a boy or a girl a baby.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you...listen to your kids and encourage them to talk.

Susie Swanson said...

I so agree with you, I can't text and sometimes I feel like I'm handicapped..My grndchildren knows more than me..I've always tried to tell my kids and grandkids the same thing..Susie

Shelly said...

You are so right that kids today need to know to go to their parents with those problems. So much heartache when they don't~

Lisa said...

Communication is a skill I think that we develop here on the web. I think we don't just communicate, we touch each other with our words.

Movies on my Mind said...

Internet social networking is turning society into transhumanists. (Not a good thing.)

wsbhark said...

I have given this some thought. I have come to the conclusion that a person can communicate widely and yet talk about nothing. It is easy enough to say what has been said before, and sometimes you will see an epic novel worth of comments in say, Facebook, about one person's trivial event in one day. I had waffles for breakfast but the orange juice had too much pulp. And the comments ensue and go on for days. Meanwhile, someone else posts about a loss or is radiating the need to be comforted and you might be the only one to respond. I think communication is only as valuable as what is communicated, and too often we miss our cues to respond to truly meaningful comments.

I agree, I think we have to show openness to our children for them to know that whatever happens, we are their advocates, in their corner, ready willing and able to help them through whatever looms on the horizon. Openness, Receptiveness. Knowing when the moment requires concern and closer inspection, feedback.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Yeah communication is definitely key to so many things. I fail at communicating sometimes. At least, that's what my brother says. I think you should get a Smart Phone like the Apple iPhone 4S. Then you'd have "Siri" and could just ask "Siri" to do things. It would make technology fun and when things are fun, it opens the mind to learning and embracing new things.

Tracy said...

Munir, nothing makes me so angry as when parents yell at their children and in public! UGH! My son is so sensitive that we can't even raise our voice at him and he interprets that as yelling. We've never had to..Communication can be done quietly and respecfully!

Sarah Tokeley said...

To me, the most important thing I have fostered in my children is the fact that they know they can come to me and talk about anything. I hope they never lose that.

Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

I recently got a touch phone. It's different and although I keep accidentally hanging up on people--lol--I do like it. I left it home the other day and felt like I'd forgotten my brain. It's terrible how dependent I've become already.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Munir .. it's interesting how we are all different - I don't worry now - I'm behind with some things but aware of others ... I don't want to keep up with everyone - but I understand your lack of communication being without the phone ..

Cheers Hilary