D is for Determination
When I think of people like Helen Keller I always wonder what was it that made them do things that we would not expect people with disabilities to do. I remember applying for a teachers assistant's job for special ed kids and when they gave me a tour of the facility I could not control my tears. One of the teachers there (who already knew me) told me that I would not be fit for the job, and that I am better off dealing with audit in clothes, colours, designs and SKU and PLU. I felt like I was so far from humanity and am living in a fake world. He told me that some people are happy people and cannot deal with harshness of realities and as much as I may have a heart of gold, I do not have nerves strong enough. So here I am today, helping people spend money and be fussy with the tiniest of details. I guess I did not have what Helen Keller did - determination. My coworker told me that I was not desperate and Helen Keller was. Now I am beginning to understand what my friend meant. Fear of losing my memory has made me tough and now I am determined to remember as much as I can. So is determination a child of desperation or merely desire?
I salute people who help people with disabilities.. Their desire to help people must be stronger than mine.
This is a very inspirational post, my friend. We all have much to learn from the likes of Helen Keller and others who succeeded terrifically, no matter their situation!
Shelly said it all for me!
I question the "happy people" thesis. It was being around people with disabilities that made me able to be comfortable with them. Perhaps it's simply exposure and experience. Which made it easier to deal when I became disabled. The human spirit is indomitable, the human nature is to be determined in doing what we want. People like Helen Keller smash our assumptions. I'm grateful for the Helens of the world.
"Determination!" It is powerful.
Great post, Munir.
P.S. Your word verification is on :-/
Hi Munir,
From my own personal perspective, I believe that person who made such an early judgement by concluding you were not fit for the job as a teacher's assistant for special education kids, may have been somewhat premature in what you ad to offer in the long run.
Determination, against the odds, against general consensus, can make us strong. I salute those who embrace their abilities beyond their disabilities. And, dear friend, I salute you.
I would agree with you on this. I am probably not the best person to work with those who have disabilities, but then again not having tried I may have missed a true calling. I do admire those with the patience and determination to help.
A Few Words
An A to Z Co-host blog
Your determination to keep your memory is a good example. I know a wonderful lady, 87 years old, who still takes care of her 50 year old dissabled daughter. This lady says that what keeps her young and agile is the need to stay alive and functioning for her daughter.
I love your blog. It's so different from mine.
Determination is definitely a good trait to have in this world. It can see you through many obstacles. But it won't see you through all of them. The key is to know your limits and when you realize that something is extremely difficult but doable with determination is wherein you'll find some measure of success.
Oh, yes, determination is certainly something which comes with need!
I admire your determination to preserve your memory.
As far as having desire goes, sometimes knowing what one is, and isn't, good at outweighs desire.
I'm visiting from A to Z. By the way, thank you for your comment on my blog.
I am not sure that your obvious compassion should have disqualified you from working with the disabled if that was or is your passion. Maybe your initial emotional reaction was just a response to how needed you realized you were. Maybe being tough is important, but so is being a genuinely caring person, and a person with a tough exterior may not give off the warm fuzzies that he or she does truly care. Just my opinion.
Great post!
Hi Munir ... disabilities affect so many of us in so many ways .. and some people are quite incredible how they can get on with life .. and the technological advantages of today are amazing.
Having a positive attitude is so helpful .. and we can't all be perfect, so I don't worry, and just do what I can ..
Excellent post highlighting this side of life .... cheers Hilary
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