Saturday, April 28, 2012

A to Z Challenge

A to Z on my mind:- V is for Veronica :- As much as I am worried about memory loss and the "A" Word, this song by Elvis Costello kept on coming in my mind. Now that I am on the letter "V" I cannot wait to use it for my post today. I get a feeling that Elvis Costello is talking about someone who is only able to see her past in bits and pieces rather than a whole sequence or a memory pattern. The effect that the song has left on me makes me feel that no one is one hundred percent sure about what is going to happen to us as we age. You decide.



Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love your use of "V"! The song made me think of how we never know what memories will come to us as we age, as we look back.

You are so right--we don't know what is going to happen to us as we age. While we can't control everything, there are things we can control, like how we take care of our health and our attitudes.

Great post!

Anonymous said...

No one knows for sure. We can look at family members and get some idea perhaps. I think we just need to enjoy each day and not worry about it. What will be, will be.

Austan said...

This song always reminds me of a girl I knew who took one too many acid trips and never really came back. Nowadays I see friends who're slipping away like this as they age. Very sad, and thought-provoking.

DWei said...

I'll have to watch this on my desktop. My laptop is having some issues.

Chatty Crone said...

Wow this was deep. Kind of sad to me. I know it can be true. I know it can happen in the next second of life. I guess we have to take the time to love and live now. Sandie